Found: 2 jobseekers job type: Stable Lad/Lass targeting: Italy
  • 1
    • #418065
    • Temporary; Permanent; Contract; Freelance
    • Full-time; Part-time
    I can ride in all gaits, and am trained in dressage on a beginner/intermediate level. I have experience working as a groom, stablehand and hotwalker. I can do groundwork, ride safely, and do any job around the stable. (more...)
    18 days ago
  • 2
    • #415000
    • Temporary; Permanent; Contract
    • Full-time; Part-time
    • 400
    thumbnail photo Actualmente estoy estudiando una carrera en la universidad y cuidando de un niño pequeño, además este verano voy a ser monitora en un campamento enseñando a los niños a montar a caballo. (more...)
    6 days ago